Britain’s First Virtual Reality Playground


Nestled off the beaten path in Camden Town* is the UK’s first ever virtual reality (VR) shop where customers can experience augmented reality technology for free.

Virtual Reality first-timer, Kat, trying out the Smartphone VR headset.


Opened in July, Virtual Reality is a unique retail space dedicated to bringing cutting edge technology to the one-time adventurers,  the die-hard tech nerds and everyone in between.

The experience is simple: When I walked into the low-lit 2,000 square foot demo space one of the in-house tech experts, Lucas Stockman, welcomed me to sit in one of the salon style chairs and simply pop on the smartphone VR headset.

After walking around a sunny resort in the Bahamas Lucas instructed me to log into the store wifi and download an app called Within that has streamable VR optimized videos.  I just plugged my phone into the headset and within seconds I was transported to Mexico City on the set of the “Kids” music video by OneRepublic.




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“We’re here because we’re all about showcasing emerging technology to people who wouldn’t necessarily have it at home.  Each headset costs £800 each and then you need a £1,000 computer to run it.  So we want people to come to a place like this and experience something you couldn’t usually do.”    -Lucas Stockman

For a crisp £20 you get a 30-minute session and for £15 more you get sixty minutes to play games, draw in three dimensions and practice your firearm skills in a battle spaceship suspended above Earth.

Virtual Reality explorer plays on the HTC Vive Ocular headset.

Founder and CEO Alexander Cohen told me the clever story of how it all began.  Virtual Reality started as a shoeshine stand on the top of Portobello Road directly opposite George Orwell’s house; just out of view of CCTV surveillance.  I bet Mr. Orwell and Mr. Huxley looked down in admiration!

While suits were getting their shoes shined Mr. Cohen would have them pop on a pair of VR goggles…and after selling out in 4 hours he saw another reality of his own.  The Camden shop opened this past summer selling headsets and virtual joyrides.

Mr. Cohen explained that Virtual Reality is currently transitioning from retail with a B to C (business to customer) focus to retail with a B to B (business to business) focus.  He wants to spend less time selling and more time educating all who are interested in some of the world’s most cutting edge technology.

“What we’re really doing is retail as a service.  Similar to what Adobe does, you know, software as a service.   We’re seeking partners such as HTC and Google who want us to promote their products.  People come in here and try it for free and if they love it they go home and buy it. ” -Alexander Cohen

The industrial chic space also hosts talks with local entrepreneurs, artist demonstrations, birthday parties, and yes you can even have your office holiday party at Virtual Reality!

“There’s nowhere in the UK where you can just try cool technology, we want it to be a go-to place for people to come and experience cool tech. ”  -Lucas Stockman

Virtual Reality experience room.

Whether you’re looking for a mind-bending gift to give to that techie in your life or you just wanna cross VR off your bucket list, The Virtual Reality Store is definitely worth the visit!

*Note that Virtual Reality will be moving to a brand new location in Brick Lane at the Truman Brewery on the 17th of Feb.*


The Accidental Entrepreneur

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